mirror of https://github.com/docker/buildx.git
docs: update external link paths
Signed-off-by: David Karlsson <35727626+dvdksn@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ func buildCmd(dockerCli command.Cli, rootOpts *rootOptions, debugConfig *debug.D
flags := cmd.Flags()
flags.StringSliceVar(&options.extraHosts, "add-host", []string{}, `Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: "host:ip")`)
flags.SetAnnotation("add-host", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#add-host"})
flags.SetAnnotation("add-host", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#add-host"})
flags.StringSliceVar(&options.allow, "allow", []string{}, `Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., "network.host", "security.insecure")`)
@ -567,12 +567,12 @@ func buildCmd(dockerCli command.Cli, rootOpts *rootOptions, debugConfig *debug.D
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.cacheTo, "cache-to", []string{}, `Cache export destinations (e.g., "user/app:cache", "type=local,dest=path/to/dir")`)
flags.StringVar(&options.cgroupParent, "cgroup-parent", "", `Set the parent cgroup for the "RUN" instructions during build`)
flags.SetAnnotation("cgroup-parent", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#cgroup-parent"})
flags.SetAnnotation("cgroup-parent", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#cgroup-parent"})
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.contexts, "build-context", []string{}, "Additional build contexts (e.g., name=path)")
flags.StringVarP(&options.dockerfileName, "file", "f", "", `Name of the Dockerfile (default: "PATH/Dockerfile")`)
flags.SetAnnotation("file", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#file"})
flags.SetAnnotation("file", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#file"})
flags.StringVar(&options.imageIDFile, "iidfile", "", "Write the image ID to the file")
@ -604,10 +604,10 @@ func buildCmd(dockerCli command.Cli, rootOpts *rootOptions, debugConfig *debug.D
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.ssh, "ssh", []string{}, `SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: "default|<id>[=<socket>|<key>[,<key>]]")`)
flags.StringArrayVarP(&options.tags, "tag", "t", []string{}, `Name and optionally a tag (format: "name:tag")`)
flags.SetAnnotation("tag", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#tag"})
flags.SetAnnotation("tag", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#tag"})
flags.StringVar(&options.target, "target", "", "Set the target build stage to build")
flags.SetAnnotation("target", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#target"})
flags.SetAnnotation("target", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{"https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#target"})
options.ulimits = dockeropts.NewUlimitOpt(nil)
flags.Var(options.ulimits, "ulimit", "Ulimit options")
@ -1069,20 +1069,20 @@ target "webapp-dev" {
[attestations]: https://docs.docker.com/build/attestations/
[bake_stdlib]: https://github.com/docker/buildx/blob/master/bake/hclparser/stdlib.go
[build-arg]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#build-arg
[build-context]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#build-context
[build-arg]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#build-arg
[build-context]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#build-context
[cache-backends]: https://docs.docker.com/build/cache/backends/
[cache-from]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#cache-from
[cache-to]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#cache-to
[context]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#build-context
[file]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#file
[cache-from]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#cache-from
[cache-to]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#cache-to
[context]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#build-context
[file]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#file
[go-cty]: https://github.com/zclconf/go-cty/tree/main/cty/function/stdlib
[hcl-funcs]: https://docs.docker.com/build/bake/hcl-funcs/
[output]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#output
[platform]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#platform
[run_mount_secret]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#run---mounttypesecret
[secret]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#secret
[ssh]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#ssh
[tag]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#tag
[target]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#target
[output]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#output
[platform]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#platform
[run_mount_secret]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/#run---mounttypesecret
[secret]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#secret
[ssh]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#ssh
[tag]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#tag
[target]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#target
[userfunc]: https://github.com/hashicorp/hcl/tree/main/ext/userfunc
@ -13,44 +13,44 @@ Start a build
### Options
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| [`--add-host`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#add-host) | `stringSlice` | | Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: `host:ip`) |
| [`--allow`](#allow) | `stringSlice` | | Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., `network.host`, `security.insecure`) |
| [`--annotation`](#annotation) | `stringArray` | | Add annotation to the image |
| [`--attest`](#attest) | `stringArray` | | Attestation parameters (format: `type=sbom,generator=image`) |
| [`--build-arg`](#build-arg) | `stringArray` | | Set build-time variables |
| [`--build-context`](#build-context) | `stringArray` | | Additional build contexts (e.g., name=path) |
| [`--builder`](#builder) | `string` | | Override the configured builder instance |
| [`--cache-from`](#cache-from) | `stringArray` | | External cache sources (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,src=path/to/dir`) |
| [`--cache-to`](#cache-to) | `stringArray` | | Cache export destinations (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,dest=path/to/dir`) |
| [`--cgroup-parent`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#cgroup-parent) | `string` | | Set the parent cgroup for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `--detach` | | | Detach buildx server (supported only on linux) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`-f`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#file), [`--file`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#file) | `string` | | Name of the Dockerfile (default: `PATH/Dockerfile`) |
| `--iidfile` | `string` | | Write the image ID to the file |
| `--label` | `stringArray` | | Set metadata for an image |
| [`--load`](#load) | | | Shorthand for `--output=type=docker` |
| [`--metadata-file`](#metadata-file) | `string` | | Write build result metadata to the file |
| `--network` | `string` | `default` | Set the networking mode for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `--no-cache` | | | Do not use cache when building the image |
| [`--no-cache-filter`](#no-cache-filter) | `stringArray` | | Do not cache specified stages |
| [`-o`](#output), [`--output`](#output) | `stringArray` | | Output destination (format: `type=local,dest=path`) |
| [`--platform`](#platform) | `stringArray` | | Set target platform for build |
| `--print` | `string` | | Print result of information request (e.g., outline, targets) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`--progress`](#progress) | `string` | `auto` | Set type of progress output (`auto`, `plain`, `tty`). Use plain to show container output |
| [`--provenance`](#provenance) | `string` | | Shorthand for `--attest=type=provenance` |
| `--pull` | | | Always attempt to pull all referenced images |
| [`--push`](#push) | | | Shorthand for `--output=type=registry` |
| `-q`, `--quiet` | | | Suppress the build output and print image ID on success |
| `--root` | `string` | | Specify root directory of server to connect (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`--sbom`](#sbom) | `string` | | Shorthand for `--attest=type=sbom` |
| [`--secret`](#secret) | `stringArray` | | Secret to expose to the build (format: `id=mysecret[,src=/local/secret]`) |
| `--server-config` | `string` | | Specify buildx server config file (used only when launching new server) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`--shm-size`](#shm-size) | `bytes` | `0` | Size of `/dev/shm` |
| [`--ssh`](#ssh) | `stringArray` | | SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: `default\|<id>[=<socket>\|<key>[,<key>]]`) |
| [`-t`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#tag), [`--tag`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#tag) | `stringArray` | | Name and optionally a tag (format: `name:tag`) |
| [`--target`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#target) | `string` | | Set the target build stage to build |
| [`--ulimit`](#ulimit) | `ulimit` | | Ulimit options |
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| [`--add-host`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#add-host) | `stringSlice` | | Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: `host:ip`) |
| [`--allow`](#allow) | `stringSlice` | | Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., `network.host`, `security.insecure`) |
| [`--annotation`](#annotation) | `stringArray` | | Add annotation to the image |
| [`--attest`](#attest) | `stringArray` | | Attestation parameters (format: `type=sbom,generator=image`) |
| [`--build-arg`](#build-arg) | `stringArray` | | Set build-time variables |
| [`--build-context`](#build-context) | `stringArray` | | Additional build contexts (e.g., name=path) |
| [`--builder`](#builder) | `string` | | Override the configured builder instance |
| [`--cache-from`](#cache-from) | `stringArray` | | External cache sources (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,src=path/to/dir`) |
| [`--cache-to`](#cache-to) | `stringArray` | | Cache export destinations (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,dest=path/to/dir`) |
| [`--cgroup-parent`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#cgroup-parent) | `string` | | Set the parent cgroup for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `--detach` | | | Detach buildx server (supported only on linux) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`-f`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#file), [`--file`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#file) | `string` | | Name of the Dockerfile (default: `PATH/Dockerfile`) |
| `--iidfile` | `string` | | Write the image ID to the file |
| `--label` | `stringArray` | | Set metadata for an image |
| [`--load`](#load) | | | Shorthand for `--output=type=docker` |
| [`--metadata-file`](#metadata-file) | `string` | | Write build result metadata to the file |
| `--network` | `string` | `default` | Set the networking mode for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `--no-cache` | | | Do not use cache when building the image |
| [`--no-cache-filter`](#no-cache-filter) | `stringArray` | | Do not cache specified stages |
| [`-o`](#output), [`--output`](#output) | `stringArray` | | Output destination (format: `type=local,dest=path`) |
| [`--platform`](#platform) | `stringArray` | | Set target platform for build |
| `--print` | `string` | | Print result of information request (e.g., outline, targets) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`--progress`](#progress) | `string` | `auto` | Set type of progress output (`auto`, `plain`, `tty`). Use plain to show container output |
| [`--provenance`](#provenance) | `string` | | Shorthand for `--attest=type=provenance` |
| `--pull` | | | Always attempt to pull all referenced images |
| [`--push`](#push) | | | Shorthand for `--output=type=registry` |
| `-q`, `--quiet` | | | Suppress the build output and print image ID on success |
| `--root` | `string` | | Specify root directory of server to connect (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`--sbom`](#sbom) | `string` | | Shorthand for `--attest=type=sbom` |
| [`--secret`](#secret) | `stringArray` | | Secret to expose to the build (format: `id=mysecret[,src=/local/secret]`) |
| `--server-config` | `string` | | Specify buildx server config file (used only when launching new server) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`--shm-size`](#shm-size) | `bytes` | `0` | Size of `/dev/shm` |
| [`--ssh`](#ssh) | `stringArray` | | SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: `default\|<id>[=<socket>\|<key>[,<key>]]`) |
| [`-t`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#tag), [`--tag`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#tag) | `stringArray` | | Name and optionally a tag (format: `name:tag`) |
| [`--target`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#target) | `string` | | Set the target build stage to build |
| [`--ulimit`](#ulimit) | `ulimit` | | Ulimit options |
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ The `buildx build` command starts a build using BuildKit. This command is simila
to the UI of `docker build` command and takes the same flags and arguments.
For documentation on most of these flags, refer to the [`docker build`
This page describes a subset of the new flags.
## Examples
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Allow extra privileged entitlement. List of entitlements:
- `network.host` - Allows executions with host networking.
- `security.insecure` - Allows executions without sandbox. See
[related Dockerfile extensions](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#run---securitysandbox).
[related Dockerfile extensions](https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/#run---securitysandbox).
For entitlements to be enabled, the `buildkitd` daemon also needs to allow them
with `--allow-insecure-entitlement` (see [`create --buildkitd-flags`](buildx_create.md#buildkitd-flags)).
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ $ docker buildx build --allow security.insecure .
### <a name="build-arg"></a> Set build-time variables (--build-arg)
Same as [`docker build` command](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#build-arg).
Same as [`docker build` command](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#build-arg).
There are also useful built-in build arguments, such as:
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ There are also useful built-in build arguments, such as:
$ docker buildx build --build-arg BUILDKIT_MULTI_PLATFORM=1 .
Learn more about the built-in build arguments in the [Dockerfile reference docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#buildkit-built-in-build-args).
Learn more about the built-in build arguments in the [Dockerfile reference docs](https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/#buildkit-built-in-build-args).
### <a name="build-context"></a> Additional build contexts (--build-context)
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ instance supports by running `docker buildx inspect --bootstrap`.
Inside a `Dockerfile`, you can access the current platform value through
`TARGETPLATFORM` build argument. Refer to the [`docker build`
for the full description of automatic platform argument variants .
You can find the formatting definition for the platform specifier in the
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ For more information, see [here](https://docs.docker.com/build/attestations/sbom
Exposes secret to the build. The secret can be used by the build using
[`RUN --mount=type=secret` mount](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#run---mounttypesecret).
[`RUN --mount=type=secret` mount](https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/#run---mounttypesecret).
If `type` is unset it will be detected. Supported types are:
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ This can be useful when some commands in your Dockerfile need specific SSH
authentication (e.g., cloning a private repository).
`--ssh` exposes SSH agent socket or keys to the build and can be used with the
[`RUN --mount=type=ssh` mount](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#run---mounttypessh).
[`RUN --mount=type=ssh` mount](https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/#run---mounttypessh).
Example to access Gitlab using an SSH agent socket:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Start debugger (EXPERIMENTAL)
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `--builder` | `string` | | Override the configured builder instance |
| `--detach` | | | Detach buildx server for the monitor (supported only on linux) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--detach` | `bool` | `true` | Detach buildx server for the monitor (supported only on linux) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--invoke` | `string` | | Launch a monitor with executing specified command (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--on` | `string` | `error` | When to launch the monitor ([always, error]) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--progress` | `string` | `auto` | Set type of progress output (`auto`, `plain`, `tty`) for the monitor. Use plain to show container output |
@ -9,44 +9,44 @@ Start a build
### Options
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| [`--add-host`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#add-host) | `stringSlice` | | Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: `host:ip`) |
| `--allow` | `stringSlice` | | Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., `network.host`, `security.insecure`) |
| `--annotation` | `stringArray` | | Add annotation to the image |
| `--attest` | `stringArray` | | Attestation parameters (format: `type=sbom,generator=image`) |
| `--build-arg` | `stringArray` | | Set build-time variables |
| `--build-context` | `stringArray` | | Additional build contexts (e.g., name=path) |
| `--builder` | `string` | | Override the configured builder instance |
| `--cache-from` | `stringArray` | | External cache sources (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,src=path/to/dir`) |
| `--cache-to` | `stringArray` | | Cache export destinations (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,dest=path/to/dir`) |
| [`--cgroup-parent`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#cgroup-parent) | `string` | | Set the parent cgroup for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `--detach` | | | Detach buildx server (supported only on linux) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`-f`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#file), [`--file`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#file) | `string` | | Name of the Dockerfile (default: `PATH/Dockerfile`) |
| `--iidfile` | `string` | | Write the image ID to the file |
| `--label` | `stringArray` | | Set metadata for an image |
| `--load` | | | Shorthand for `--output=type=docker` |
| `--metadata-file` | `string` | | Write build result metadata to the file |
| `--network` | `string` | `default` | Set the networking mode for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `--no-cache` | | | Do not use cache when building the image |
| `--no-cache-filter` | `stringArray` | | Do not cache specified stages |
| `-o`, `--output` | `stringArray` | | Output destination (format: `type=local,dest=path`) |
| `--platform` | `stringArray` | | Set target platform for build |
| `--print` | `string` | | Print result of information request (e.g., outline, targets) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--progress` | `string` | `auto` | Set type of progress output (`auto`, `plain`, `tty`). Use plain to show container output |
| `--provenance` | `string` | | Shorthand for `--attest=type=provenance` |
| `--pull` | | | Always attempt to pull all referenced images |
| `--push` | | | Shorthand for `--output=type=registry` |
| `-q`, `--quiet` | | | Suppress the build output and print image ID on success |
| `--root` | `string` | | Specify root directory of server to connect (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--sbom` | `string` | | Shorthand for `--attest=type=sbom` |
| `--secret` | `stringArray` | | Secret to expose to the build (format: `id=mysecret[,src=/local/secret]`) |
| `--server-config` | `string` | | Specify buildx server config file (used only when launching new server) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--shm-size` | `bytes` | `0` | Size of `/dev/shm` |
| `--ssh` | `stringArray` | | SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: `default\|<id>[=<socket>\|<key>[,<key>]]`) |
| [`-t`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#tag), [`--tag`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#tag) | `stringArray` | | Name and optionally a tag (format: `name:tag`) |
| [`--target`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/#target) | `string` | | Set the target build stage to build |
| `--ulimit` | `ulimit` | | Ulimit options |
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| [`--add-host`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#add-host) | `stringSlice` | | Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: `host:ip`) |
| `--allow` | `stringSlice` | | Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., `network.host`, `security.insecure`) |
| `--annotation` | `stringArray` | | Add annotation to the image |
| `--attest` | `stringArray` | | Attestation parameters (format: `type=sbom,generator=image`) |
| `--build-arg` | `stringArray` | | Set build-time variables |
| `--build-context` | `stringArray` | | Additional build contexts (e.g., name=path) |
| `--builder` | `string` | | Override the configured builder instance |
| `--cache-from` | `stringArray` | | External cache sources (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,src=path/to/dir`) |
| `--cache-to` | `stringArray` | | Cache export destinations (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,dest=path/to/dir`) |
| [`--cgroup-parent`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#cgroup-parent) | `string` | | Set the parent cgroup for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `--detach` | | | Detach buildx server (supported only on linux) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| [`-f`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#file), [`--file`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#file) | `string` | | Name of the Dockerfile (default: `PATH/Dockerfile`) |
| `--iidfile` | `string` | | Write the image ID to the file |
| `--label` | `stringArray` | | Set metadata for an image |
| `--load` | | | Shorthand for `--output=type=docker` |
| `--metadata-file` | `string` | | Write build result metadata to the file |
| `--network` | `string` | `default` | Set the networking mode for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `--no-cache` | | | Do not use cache when building the image |
| `--no-cache-filter` | `stringArray` | | Do not cache specified stages |
| `-o`, `--output` | `stringArray` | | Output destination (format: `type=local,dest=path`) |
| `--platform` | `stringArray` | | Set target platform for build |
| `--print` | `string` | | Print result of information request (e.g., outline, targets) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--progress` | `string` | `auto` | Set type of progress output (`auto`, `plain`, `tty`). Use plain to show container output |
| `--provenance` | `string` | | Shorthand for `--attest=type=provenance` |
| `--pull` | | | Always attempt to pull all referenced images |
| `--push` | | | Shorthand for `--output=type=registry` |
| `-q`, `--quiet` | | | Suppress the build output and print image ID on success |
| `--root` | `string` | | Specify root directory of server to connect (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--sbom` | `string` | | Shorthand for `--attest=type=sbom` |
| `--secret` | `stringArray` | | Secret to expose to the build (format: `id=mysecret[,src=/local/secret]`) |
| `--server-config` | `string` | | Specify buildx server config file (used only when launching new server) (EXPERIMENTAL) |
| `--shm-size` | `bytes` | `0` | Size of `/dev/shm` |
| `--ssh` | `stringArray` | | SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: `default\|<id>[=<socket>\|<key>[,<key>]]`) |
| [`-t`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#tag), [`--tag`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#tag) | `stringArray` | | Name and optionally a tag (format: `name:tag`) |
| [`--target`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/image/build/#target) | `string` | | Set the target build stage to build |
| `--ulimit` | `ulimit` | | Ulimit options |
Reference in New Issue